úterý 28. února 2012

DIY White |Crystal| Earrings

Strašně se mi líbí hit poslední doby - nasprejovat šperky bílým nebo neonovým sprejem. Neonový jsem nesehnala, ale bílý ano. A posprejovala jsem toho dost! A vypadá to úžasně efektně, tedy alespoň pro mě :)
/I really like the latest hit - sprey your jewelry with white or neon spray. I couldn´t get the neon one, but the white spray I got. So, I painted a lot of jewelry! And it looks amazing, at least for me :)

4 komentáře:

  1. I make Jewelry out of clay and I always get so afraid for when I glaze it because It is uncertain how it looks when finished, spray paint seems to be a quick and easy fix.

    *I follow back!*

  2. Yes, it could really help, and it´s quick and everyone can do it. I definitely recommend it. And what better, you can choose from so many colors :))
